Regulatory Guidelines

Trustees have the main responsibility for the administration of funded occupational pension schemes and must comply with the Government legislative requirements that apply to these schemes. The following are some of the requirements that Trustees must comply with:

As well as Government legislation, the Trustee have their own set of guidelines for the Scheme such as the Statement of Investment Policy Principles and Definitive Trust Deed and Rules of CWPS (both available on our downloads page). 

Registered Administrators

The trustees of every scheme must appoint a registered administrator to provide various services to the scheme known as 'core administration functions'.
The 'core administration functions' are the preparation of annual reports and annual benefit statements for the trustees, and the maintenance of sufficient and accurate records of members and their entitlements to discharge the above functions.
Registered Administrators must also provide annual scheme information to the Pensions Authority which corresponds closely to the information required for the preparation of scheme annual reports and member benefit statements.

The Pensions Authority is a statutory body set up under the Pensions Act, 1990. The Authority regulates occupational pension schemes, trust RACs and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) in Ireland.

The Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman is an independent, impartial, fair and free service that helps resolve complaints with pensions providers and regulated financial services providers.

CPAS is the registered administrator for the Construction Workers' Pension Scheme.

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