What do I need to do to register my firm in CWPS?
You need to fill in the following registration forms and send them back to us - Employer Registration Form, Deed of Adherence & New Member Registration Form. You can do this online through our new online registration portal https://join.cwpsonline.ie/ or you can download a copy of these forms from our website in the forms and booklets section or you can contact us and we will send them out by post or email.
I’m registering a Limited Company, why do I need to complete the Deed of Adherence?
The Deed of Adherence is the legal document that Employers must fill in to register with CWPS. By executing the Deed, the Employer, with the Trustee’s consent, is admitted to participate in the Scheme as an Employer for the purpose of the Scheme. It is important that the Deed is signed and dated and in the case of a registered company that the firm's Common Seal is affixed in order to execute the Deed. The completed Deed of Adherence should be returned to CWPS by post as an original document.
What if I don’t have a company seal?
All Irish companies must have a Common Seal, sometimes called a 'company seal'. All documents called 'Deeds' must be executed under seal.
I’m a sole trader, where do I need to sign on the Deed of Adherence?
You need to fill in the front of the Deed and you, and any partner need to sign part 2 on the back.
I’m a sole trader but have no employees apart from myself, can I still register in CWPS?
No. If you are a sole trader you cannot register as a member of CWPS or any other Occupational Pension Scheme (OPS) as you are a self-employed individual, who is taxed under Schedule D. You can pay to a Personal Pension/Stakeholder plan for yourself. However, if you have employees in the future who are assessed for tax under Schedule E, you can register these employees in CWPS. These contributions are allowed against your personal tax bill, in the same way as other business expenses are allowed.
What date do I register in CWPS?
CWPS will accept registration from the date you put on the registration forms. However, you should be aware that liability for any unpaid periods in respect of pension contributions deducted for any employee(s) will remain with you as their employer.
When should I register my employees?
If you are registering new employees in the Scheme you should do so within two weeks of the date they start work for you to make sure that you comply with the requirements of the Sectoral Employment Order (SEO) and that they are covered for Death in Service and Sick Pay benefit (subject to minimum contribution criteria).
When I send in the registration forms what happens next?
Once we receive your registration forms we will send you a Certificate of Registration, an administration manual for the CWPS called “Employer Booklet”, and a guide to your employee(s) pension and benefits called "Member Booklet".
When do I have to send in the pension contributions?
In the first week of each month we will send you a pension payment schedule showing the contributions due for your employees up to the last Friday in the previous month. To comply with the requirements of the Pension Act, 1990 as amended you must return this pension payment schedule with any changes, and your payment to us by the 21st of that month, i.e. return contributions for January on or before 21st of February.
I’ve just registered in CWPS, how do I get a Letter of Compliance?
If the firm is registering in CWPS, a Letter of Compliance can be obtained on registration once the registration is approved by the manager and an advance non-refundable payment of up to 13 weeks contributions for each member is made to CWPS. The up to 13 weeks advance payment will be effective from date of joining CWPS and is payable via electronic banking or bank draft. These payment methods are the only acceptable methods of making this advance payment.
Is there any Tax or PRSI relief on the contribution?
There is PAYE relief on the employee portion of the Pension and Death in Service benefit part of the contribution only. This amount should be deducted from the gross pay before the tax is calculated. All other deductions i.e. Sick Pay, Health Trust etc. are net deductions and should be deducted after tax is calculated. From January 2010 there is no PRSI relief on the employee portion of Pension and Death in Service contributions.
Is there any tax relief for the employer?
Yes. For a Limited Company, the employer portion of the Pension and Death in Service contribution can be claimed against Corporation Tax at the end of each financial year. For a Sole Trader this can be claimed against personal tax.
What employees can I register?
Employers can register all Specified Workers detailed under all SEOs from age 15, but under age 70 who are directly employed by the company.
Can I register my office staff?
Yes, the Scheme is open to all your staff working in the Construction Industry. You can register and deduct pension contribution for these employees in the same way as your manual workers.
Can I register in CWPS as a member if I am a director of the firm?
If you are a director of a Limited Company you may register yourself as a member as Revenue rules do allow contributions to be paid by directors of Limited Companies so registration is open to you. If you are a sole trader you cannot register as a member of the scheme due to your self-employed status and under Revenue rules.
Can I register in CWPS as a member if I am a sole trader?
No. If you are a sole trader you cannot register as a member CWPS or any other Occupational Pension Scheme (OPS) as you are a self-employed individual who is taxed under Schedule D. You can pay to a Personal Pension/Stakeholder plan for yourself. However, if you have employees who are assessed for tax under Schedule E, you can register these employees in CWPS. These contributions are allowed against your personal tax bill, in the same way as other business expenses are allowed.
Can I register C45 workers?
No, as CWPS is an approved Occupational Pension Scheme with the Revenue Commissioners under Section 774 of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997. The scheme can only accept pension contributions from PAYE/PRSI workers.
When do I start making deductions from employees?
CWPS will send a Monthly Pension Payment Schedule to you for your employees from the date you registered them in the Scheme (as indicated on the New Member Registration form). Employers should be aware that they are liable for contributions for employees from the date that the employee joined their firm if pension contributions have been deducted from their wages.
What happens if I don’t register an employee?
On 19th October 2017 the Minister for State at the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation announced new legislation that makes it compulsory for construction industry employers to provide a pension and sick pay scheme for all specified workers in the industry. The legislation has immediate legal effect and all employers in the construction industry must satisfy the conditions of this new legislation. The legislation replaces the old Registered Employment Agreement, which was in place until May 2013. Furthermore, under the terms of the Pensions Act, 1990 as amended the minimum requirement for an employer is to provide access for all their employees to a Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA). Membership of CWPS fulfils this requirement.